
Grandma's Begonias

Begonias of many colors - whites, light pink, dark pink, red - and other pretty flowers to keep her front garden looking purdy!


The Cutting of The Lightning Tree

Papa's Lightning Tree
It was hit multiple times over the years. Papa decided he wanted it cut down and Ryan with his Husqvarna chainsaw was happy to oblige him.

The stuff that looks like dust in this photo actually are the large wood chips spewing from Ryan's chainsaw. It made a massive pile of chips. What a big tree!

Photo courtesy of Mama Becky.
Me documenting the fall of the tree on video.

Photo Courtesy of Mama Becky.
The tree falls!! Papa worked his magic with an axe and wedge and scored the final blow for the tree to go down.

Ryan then proceeded to chop it to pieces...LARGE pieces. We couldn't even move them to the wood shed - Papa had to bring the wood splitter out to the field to chop these rounds up!

Ryan taking the limbs off one by one.

The cows keep a close eye on us when we're out in the field. I hear they think the sound of four wheelers mean food is coming - sorry cows, just wood for Papa and Grandma to keep warm in the snowy months!

Here are links to the videos I shot of the Lightning Tree falling and of Ryan using his chainsaw on the tree after it was on the ground:

The tree falls!

Ryan chopping up the HUGE rounds.