
Snowshoeing Mount Spokane

Driving up Mount Spokane Park Dr. to the parking area.

Trail 130 up to Bald Knob.

Mount Spokane!

A map along the trail. Now we know where we're going!

At the loop junction. It began snowing as we started up the trail. Snowshoeing in the snow is so fun! Although next time we go I hope there are clear skies so we'll have a good view.

The beaten down trail. Snowshoes and cross country skis. We met many people on the trail, some big groups and a few loners that looked like they were running on snowshoes!

Ryan loving the snow shoes.

Snow monster!

Admiring his creation - the snowshoe poles made perfect eye marks for the snow monster.

Having fun in the snow. I love every season, we always discover something to do in the outdoors! It feels so good to be wandering a new trail in the snow, it is different than in the height of summer, it feels so pristine covered in snow.

The picnic shelter on Bald Knob. There were six tables and a nice stone fireplace where you could warm up or cook a lunch. There is a nice view from this spot when it isn't snowing! We only rested for a few minutes before heading back down the trail to the car.

Ryan walks through the field on Bald Knob back to the trail.

The ski / snowboard hill we walked along coming down from the top. One part of the snowshoe trail was so steep we decided to walk over to the adjacent ski trail and walk along the edge until we hit the snow shoe trail again further down the hill. It was beautiful with a light snow coming down.

Snow scape on a tree.

Snow shoe track.

Sun through the snow.

Another portion of the ski hill adjacent to the snowshoe trail.

Suebee waiting for us back at the trail head. This car and our blizzak tires love the snow too!

Click here to watch a short video of us snowshoeing on Mount Spokane:

Merry Christmas!
The Souzas


To Find Our Place of Being

To Find Our Place of Being

Martin Challis

Who will lead us when we do not lead ourselves?

Who will know us when we do not know ourselves?

Who will love us when we do not love ourselves?

Who will trust us when we do not trust ourselves?

No one.

When we name what gets in our way of leading.

We find the courage to see what is true.

When we name what gets in our way of knowing.

We find the wisdom to shape our mind.

When we name what gets in our way of loving.

We find the heart open to what we feel.

When we name what gets in our way of trusting.

We find the will to move beyond our fear.

We come to find our place of being

And others know this, through us.


Souza YouTube Channels


Here are the links to Ryan and my YouTube accounts where we like to post videos of our various adventures. Ryan's channel posts videos about machinery, tools and cars. Amanda's account posts videos about the outdoors, animals and other random fun.

Ry - Souz4402

Manda - BackpackerRose

Mahalo for visiting our sites!
The Souzas


Fall Colors in Moscow

The Palouse from top of the UI Arboretum.

Beautiful hodge podge of colors.

Mama and I with our favorite yellow trees.

Blanket of red.

Jaina and Noah lazing about in the red leaves.

Red leaves blanketing the ground around these trees. It was inevitable...we had to roll around in them.

Noah didn't appreciate lying in the leaves alone.

Sistas in the arboretum. Loving the colors and enjoying a walk together on a beautiful cool fall day!

I love the orange and red colors.

Align CenterJaina and baby Crossler #2!
The new babe is due April 22, 2011.

Footings for Daddy and Gail's house overlooking the marvelous Palouse.

With my Padre at the property. Great views!

A view of Moscow from the property. Can't wait to see this view again soon when the house is finished! It will be beautiful and in a perfect spot to watch the changing colors of Moscow every fall.



Grandma's Begonias

Begonias of many colors - whites, light pink, dark pink, red - and other pretty flowers to keep her front garden looking purdy!


The Cutting of The Lightning Tree

Papa's Lightning Tree
It was hit multiple times over the years. Papa decided he wanted it cut down and Ryan with his Husqvarna chainsaw was happy to oblige him.

The stuff that looks like dust in this photo actually are the large wood chips spewing from Ryan's chainsaw. It made a massive pile of chips. What a big tree!

Photo courtesy of Mama Becky.
Me documenting the fall of the tree on video.

Photo Courtesy of Mama Becky.
The tree falls!! Papa worked his magic with an axe and wedge and scored the final blow for the tree to go down.

Ryan then proceeded to chop it to pieces...LARGE pieces. We couldn't even move them to the wood shed - Papa had to bring the wood splitter out to the field to chop these rounds up!

Ryan taking the limbs off one by one.

The cows keep a close eye on us when we're out in the field. I hear they think the sound of four wheelers mean food is coming - sorry cows, just wood for Papa and Grandma to keep warm in the snowy months!

Here are links to the videos I shot of the Lightning Tree falling and of Ryan using his chainsaw on the tree after it was on the ground:

The tree falls!

Ryan chopping up the HUGE rounds.


The Canoe Experiences Pend Oreille Lake

Our lovely canoe about to embark on adventures on Pend Oreille Lake the last weekend of August. It was a cloudy and cool day - perfect for donning jackets and going for a cruise with our family!

Photo Courtesy of Mama Becky.
Corey, Jeffrey, Papa & Grandma, & Uncle Guy see us off while getting into their own boats for the afternoon. Aunt Annie and Mama were already in another canoe - they couldn't wait to be on the water!

Photo Courtesy of Mama Becky.
The canoes converge for a meeting - Ryan & Mandie, Corey & Jeffrey, and Uncle Guy & Aunt Annie.

Photo Courtesy of Mama Becky.
Oh! We've been spotted, paddle, paddle, paddle to split up! :)

Sun on the lake after a cloudy day.

We borrowed a small motor from Papa & Grandma's boat and made our way across a channel to this shoreline. Great views along the way - it was exciting to have my camera out the whole time instead of paddling across the water.

Floating and happy about it.

Heading back to the dock with our awesome canoe. You can see Scotchman Peaks in the distance! What a beautiful place to hang out with the family and make some great memories on the water.