
Until We Meet Again...

A smattering of photos from the last few months:

A crisp October day, perfect to walk around on Grandma's hill.

This deer wanted pears so badly it didn't care that I was standing across the yard with the camera.

Enjoying Stanley Hot Springs with Mr. Backpacker.

Bear grass flower at Heart lake in September.

Heart Lake over Labor Day weekend.

The Backpackers hiking above Mallard lake on the way home from Heart lake over Labor Day Weekend.

Hiking with friends in the Clearwater National Forest, over Boulder Creek.

Thanks to an awesome birthday present in November (Canon Rebel T3i SLR digital camera!) the photography I post from here on out should take an interesting turn while I experiment with it - that is, after I return from the world of books and internet discussions in graduate school.

Backpacker Rose will be seeing a lot more activity after I graduate in the spring of 2012...

Happy Trails Until We Meet Again!


Fourth of July Snapshots

My favorite wild rose bush at my grandparent's home.
These line their property along the county road.
They smell OH so good.

Home sweet home.
My hubby and I claim this for sleeping quarters when things get tight inside the house. And even when it's not full in the house we pull this out of the garage, open up all the windows, make the bed and viola! It's nice having our own 'suite' outdoors. I get to wake up to the birds chirping and can take a little walk around outside before going in the house to say good morning!

Crossler and Eifert tents in the overflow from the house.
Keeping all of us outside helps keep grandma sane (she goes a little insane with happiness at having a yard full of grandkids and great grand kiddos).

My favorite barn circa 1910 or so...

The shiny roof always reminds me of how slick it gets in the winter...perfect for sliding off into a giant snowbank (feet first of course!).

Yellow roses by the house.
You can never pass by without sniffing.

Looking from the back fence at the barn and the Lovestead next door. It makes me so happy to know my grandparents have the best neighbors you could ask for. They put up with our 4th of July shenanigans year after year. Thank you to the Love family!

White roses next to the house.
Just like the can't help stopping to take deep breath.

The back pond.
From here the forest awaits. Until you find two bulls fighting over one which case you high tail it back to the safety of the four wheeler and jet on outta there!

We use these to keep the bulls away.

Just kidding. The whole herd actually comes running toward the guns and fireworks we celebrate with on Independence Day and we have to chase them back toward the pond now and then.

Lake Pend Oreille from the Long Bridge on the way home.

Till we meet again lovely Sandpoint...


Planted Fish Tank Update

A few recent photos of my planted fish tank experiment...

After a few months of just having the plants in the little tank, I tried out a few different types of fish. Danios were the first type - but for some reason they didn't survive. I also tried ghost shrimp and an algae eater at different times which died because of harassment from the danios. I did more research and finally picked up two small gold barbs in November 2010.

Out of the three types of plants I originally placed in the tank, only one survived. The crested java fern did well in the conditions I gave it. Every so often I'm able to separate a few leaves of the fern and I now have a whole row of java ferns in the front of the tank.

The original light bulb burnt out and I haven't been able to find a 15 watt bulb that fits in the hood (it is a pretty old model, I did get it when I was 12...). I settled for a 7 watt bulb instead. It's smaller and doesn't heat up the tank so much. Less light means that the little ferns growth is stunted a bit but in this small tank I don't mind. I'm very happy with how it has evolved!

The gold barbs are surviving wonderfully. They have grown a little bit since I first got them seven months ago. They are very energetic fish that play in the stream of water coming from the filter, race through the hole in the rock and hide in the leaves of the crested java fern in order to scare each other. I have them sitting on my desk in the living room so I can watch them while I'm doing homework. A nice natural distraction when I need a visual break from the computer screen.

One day I hope to have a larger planted tank but this little one is great practice for now. My dream is a 30 gallon bow front corner tank which will have to wait until we live in a slightly larger house of our own. :)


May Rain, Seedlings Protection, and Blooms

Introducing my new favorite gardening accessory:

The best part is that so far it's kitty proof!
No more chomping of my little seedlings.

We are currently living in the midst of road construction season. The top surface of our street got removed several weeks ago and then it rained and rained and rained for a few weeks. The end result was something we dubbed 'Lake Alki' - it stretched our entire block and at it's deepest it was probably 8 inches of water. Plenty of cars barreled right through, splashing mud all over!

More of Lake Alki

The cats don't care if it's raining, they get to stay inside.

Our neighbor's dog, who shares our backyard, LOVES it when Ry mows the lawn. He chases him all over, running in circles until he collapses on the deck panting.

Pretty crab apple tree blooms in the backyard.

My little prince Cupid and the apple tree. Our poor half dead christmas tree is on the deck now.

It's been a REALLY wet and cold spring so far but now that the blooms are coming out things are starting to look up!


Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Enjoy these photos from the last few years of some of my favorite mothers...

To start the show: two of the greatest ladies in my life.

Wonderful women who raised my husband right. I love you both!

Grandma has my eternal love.

Same goes for this Grandma. I love you so much!

Thank you to my favorite aunt for always being there for me and giving great advice. You are like another mother to me!!

Thank you for always helping me...

My eldest sister was able to come to our wedding, it meant so much to have you there! You are one awesome mom and sister!

Hawaii Moms!
You three always light up a room. :)

Always up for an adventure...

Talented sister in law and our SD family - we miss you!

Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones you accept and love you for who you are.

Thank you for always being there for us, we love you!

Two favorite moms on my favorite beach. This is love.

My beautiful sister is a marvelous mom!

A great motherly moment at our wedding, I love this one.

There is nothing in the world like a sister who sets a great example of how to be a wonderful parent.

You can see the love. :)

Friends always having fun adventures with their four girls.
Growing up we always had an excursion to go on, what fun we all had packed into the car together, music turned up, windows rolled down...enjoying the moment.

The last day all three of us had the same last name...

Thank you to all Mothers that set a great example for their children, family, and friends.

Thank you for your help, opinions, friendship, support, and most of all, LOVE.


Becky's Master Bath Remodel