It's almost that time of the year again!
In anticipation of backpacking season I've been looking at trail photos from the last few years. Some (oh, wait, there are a TON, so it may take awhile to read: BEWARE!) of my favorites are sprinkled throughout this post....You'll probably notice that I spent some quality time with photoshop over the weekend.
It's sunny and beautiful on the Palouse, and I love to take advantage of it! The next few days are suppose to be in the 60s and sunny! It's what I've been waiting for. On Sunday I started some seeds: spinach, lettuce, cucumber, and sweet orange peppers. Only time will tell how these early little seedlings will fare. I planted all the seeds in pots, so I can bring them inside if it gets too cold. The pepper pot will stay inside with those delicate little seeds, but I think the spinach will be ok outside as long as it doesn't frost.....If I bring the plants inside I'll have to lock the cats out of the bathroom so they won't dig in the pots, but I think we can handle that.
I can't wait until the seeds sprout and I have a little more greenery to enterain myself with!
Hiking Trails
Favorite Photos
Favorite Photos

May 2008
We spent a day on Kamiak Butte the day after we lost our kitty Hugo last June, it was very relaxing and healing to be up on the butte all by ourselves. We did a lot of cloud watchin. It was beautiful.
Our first trip this year (and for the past 3 years) will be in Hells Canyon. We're crossing our fingers that the weather will cooperate this coming weekend! It's a great early spring hike before the rattlesnakes and intense heat come out for the summer.
Hells Canyon
Idaho trail along the canyon wall
April 2008Hells Canyon
April 2008
This part of the trail is one of my favorites, it meanders through some pretty open meadows and valleys in between sections on the canyon cliffs.
Hells Canyon 5 Mile Marker
April 2008
Hells Canyon
April 2008
One of my pretty little meadows with the trail seeming to stretch for miles.
I love hiking in Hawaii!!
We make it a goal to try a new trail every time we are on the island.
Maunawili Trail on the windward side of Oahu
December 2007
Kuliouou Ridge Trail
June 2008
Ko'olau Moutain Range

April 2008

April 2008
One of my pretty little meadows with the trail seeming to stretch for miles.
I love hiking in Hawaii!!
We make it a goal to try a new trail every time we are on the island.

December 2007

June 2008
Ko'olau Moutain Range
It was pretty scary from the top. You could see right off the edge of the Ko'olau mountains. It was also very windy with not much to hang onto besides the "end of trail" sign. We stayed for a few minutes to snap photos and then we were outta there!
Here are some of the pretty views:

The dirt you see is the end of the trail.

The Ko'olau Mountain Range above Waimanalo.

The Mokoula islands of Kailua beach are small in the background.
One of our favorite places to hike is in the St. Joe wilderness to Heart Lake. From the first time we took a 10 mile detour while hiking on trail 65, (read about it in my first post, "Heart Lake Expedition"), we have loved the challenge and mystery this forest holds. It also helps when there are tons of huckleberrys waiting to be harvested by purple hands. :)
Wearing sandals in between the 4 crossings of Sawtooth creek.
"Make your own trail" while crossing Sawtooth Creek.
August 2008
September 2008

Heart Lake cutoff trail from trail 65 ridge.
August 2008

September 2008
The trail coming down from trail 65 goes across a few rock slides. The trail is well worn ito the rocks but this is the view down to the lake off the side of the trail!
August 2008

September 2006
August 2008
Puddles in the trail. Pack horses also use this trail so parts of it are sometimes destroyed and fill with water. The puddles were fun to jump over!
Moose Creek Reservoir

September 2008

This is the view leaving Sawtooth Saddle trailhead after a few days of backpacking in the St. Joe.
September 2008

February 2009

Trail goes where?
On the other side of the Hot springs toward Huckleberry flats.
August 2008
North Idaho
August 2008
My family navigating a canoe (with wheels!) down the rocky 4x4 trail on the way back to the truck after a nice day of canoe and fishing fun.
June 2008
We saw 3 rattlesnakes here...eeeekkk!
Stanley Hot Springs
Clearwater National Forest

Hiking back out to the car from the Hot Springs on a hot summer day.
July 2008

Leaving the hot springs on a very rainy May day
May 2007

Water trail across Boulder Creek to Stanley Hot springs
July 2008

Beautiful trail photo in the Clearwater National Forest, with Boulder Creek in the valley below.
July 2008

It was so pretty I had to put up a second version of the same trail photo.
This is one of my favorites.

On the other side of the Hot springs toward Huckleberry flats.
July 2008
I saved my most favorite photo for last.
This is at Idler's Rest preserve at the base of Moscow Mountain. This was the first day hike Ryan and I took together in the Spring of 2006 before we went full steam ahead with our backpacking obession. I love the sun coming through the Cedar trees as Ryan balances on a fallen tree.
Backpacking has been the best experience during the past few summers; I'm not sure how I would have gotten through some of the most major college decisions and events without the time in the forests to recuperate and rejuvenate my body, mind, and spirit. I plan to continue this way as long as I can put one foot in front of the other.
These trail pictures are nice, but the real thing cannot be replaced. The photos still bring a smile to my face every time I remember our trips into the wilderness.
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