Tomer Butte & Paradise Ridge Rainbow
July 5th

Paradise Ridge & Moscow
I love the view from our new home!
When we told the kitties they would be moving up the hill, this is the reaction I got from Alvin:

What was that? What did you say?

Does this mean I'll have to give up my mattress throne from where I can observe all my servants at once?

NEVER! You'll have to drag me out of here!
....wait....it's not that difficult to drag me...

Cupid was so baffled by the news he lost interest in his toy. He's never lived anywhere besides the shelter and Cherry street so the move was a WHOLE new experience for him.

Here he is checking out the new place from a safe spot--the bed. For the first several days I would consistently find him on the bed because it was something he recognized from home.

Bina and Mimi were sniffing hard trying to figure out what was going on. The ratties got downgraded to the smaller cage because there are only two of them now and this cage has better ventilation which I'm hoping will help Bina's wheezing problem. So far they seem pretty satisfied with their new home.
After a week or two everyone started to settle in to our new home. The cats have their own new schedule--which includes waking up at 4am with the birds outside the new sky-level windows and thundering up and down the hallway to wake up Andy & Jaina below us.

Alvin is quite fond of the balcony....but we have to keep an eye on this crazy kitty when he is outside. At any moment he can snap and off he'd be to chase a butterfly or something. I'm not sure that he would actually jump from the balcony but I wouldn't put it past him if we aren't observing him!

I think they've adjusted for the most part. They love to sit on the balcony with me in the morning and play balance beam to scare me half to death. I had to post this picture because if you look very closely, you can see Alvin's tongue sticking out!
We have a lot more work to do on the place but we are already loving our new home.

Until next time....
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