
Humane Society of the Palouse: Wag, Wine & Woof Video

The first annual wine tasting and silent auction for the Humane Society of the Palouse took place yesterday, August 1, 2009. It was a great event for all involved. I arranged this video to play in the silent auction area for everyone to see.

Thank to for the donations by businesses and individuals, board members, and friends of the humane society.

And I want to say thank you to Ryan, who helped out with the entire event; set up, serving wine, and clean up. I love you!

Enjoy the video!


Jaina said...

The video is AWESOME! Are all the animals in it at the humane society now. I could take most of the cats home now, if I could. ;)

Amanda S said...

Thank you! A lot of the animals in the video are at HSoP right now, but there are several that in in great homes too. I included all the pictures I had.