Good Morning!
This is what we saw on Sunday morning...well, pretty much nothing. We were shrouded in fog and mountain clouds. We could barely see the edge of lake water from the tent when we woke at 7 a.m.
Brrrrrrrr. It was so cold in the morning!
A good camp fire always helps the morning chills.
Our camp in the morning, with Heart Lake hidden by the drizzling fog.
I wandered out to the lake edge and snapped a few pictures soon after I woke up. The fog was really thick, you couldn't even see halfway across the lake, only to the point just down the shoreline. It was around this time that the hikers became split in what to do--hike out the 8 miles to the trucks today or wait it out in the rain all day by the lake? Eventually the boys won out and we packed up our wet belongings to hike down the mountain. We all donned our rain jackets and covered our backpacks with rain flys and started on the trail once again.
A few hours later as we packed our gear, the fog lifted but the low clouds still stuck around. We could see most of the lake for the first time in hours! Once the fog lifted it started a continual rain. I still love the colors of the lake in the rain, it's so beautiful!
Ryan, George, and Brittany have matching rain flys on their Vaude backpacks. Mine is the only blue one. This makes good photo ops for me! This was near the same spot we had seen the marmot the day before.
Brittany, George, Mandie, & Ryan at Sawtooth Creek before we hike up 1700 feet in two miles back to Sawtooth Saddle and our trucks. We decided to document it before climbing for a seemingly endless amount of time. The trail just keeps going up, up, up!
Looking back down the trail and back towards the Heart Lake area.
Clouds above the mountains.
A chipmunk that became interested in me as I slowly went up the switchbacks.
A sage grouse that wouldn't move off the road as we left Sawtooth Saddle.
The view on our drive out of the Mallard Larkins Wilderness.
We drove down near the Red Ives Ranger Station and found a great place to camp at Line Creek Stock Camp. We already had our mattresses in the backs of the trucks from our night at the trailhead, so we parked the trucks as close to the camp fire as we could and spent Sunday night next to the St. Joe river. It was nice to listen to the river every time I woke up during the night. We pretty much had the whole campground to ourselves, there was only one other camp with stock at the other end of the campground.
The St. Joe River around 6:30 a.m.
It was very cold that morning.
Time for a fire!
Boiling water for hot morning tea and breakfast oatmeal. That always warms me up.
Bye bye stock camp! In the post below you can see the videos of Ryan and George exiting our camp site. It was an adventure!
The foot bridge near Turner Flats that Ryan jumped off a few years ago. Alas, it was too cold for me to jump off this time. ;)
The magnificent St. Joe. I am in love.
Near Moscow again. The fields are harvested and things are begining to don their fall colors. It is beautiful but I'm sad to see summer leaving us.
In the year ahead we have many exciting events in store. I'll be posting about many of them. Hopefully one of them is a lot more time in the forests next summer!
This is what we saw on Sunday morning...well, pretty much nothing. We were shrouded in fog and mountain clouds. We could barely see the edge of lake water from the tent when we woke at 7 a.m.

Time for a fire!

In the year ahead we have many exciting events in store. I'll be posting about many of them. Hopefully one of them is a lot more time in the forests next summer!
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