Our lovely canoe about to embark on adventures on Pend Oreille Lake the last weekend of August. It was a cloudy and cool day - perfect for donning jackets and going for a cruise with our family!

Photo Courtesy of Mama Becky.
Corey, Jeffrey, Papa & Grandma, & Uncle Guy see us off while getting into their own boats for the afternoon. Aunt Annie and Mama were already in another canoe - they couldn't wait to be on the water!

Photo Courtesy of Mama Becky.
The canoes converge for a meeting - Ryan & Mandie, Corey & Jeffrey, and Uncle Guy & Aunt Annie.

Photo Courtesy of Mama Becky.
Oh! We've been spotted, paddle, paddle, paddle to split up! :)

Sun on the lake after a cloudy day.

We borrowed a small motor from Papa & Grandma's boat and made our way across a channel to this shoreline. Great views along the way - it was exciting to have my camera out the whole time instead of paddling across the water.

Floating and happy about it.

Heading back to the dock with our awesome canoe. You can see Scotchman Peaks in the distance! What a beautiful place to hang out with the family and make some great memories on the water.
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