These poor little daffodils don't know what hit them!
Snow on the eighth day of spring, imagine that?
One day soon I know I will wake up to warmth and REAL spring weather....I just have to be patient. It seems as though I have been doing that for awhile now.
It has been several hours since I snapped these photos and the snow is still falling. When, oh when will it stop?
Birds and bugs everywhere are running for cover.
I dream and dream of the day I will see green again.
This is my garden plot....empty and frozen.
It will soon to be filled in with grass seed in preparation for our move up the street. A nice big grassy yard will please the new tenants!

Spring is coming slowly but matter how many times mother nature throws a snowball at us!
My seeds sit in their little paper packets waiting to see light and drink H2O.
The long tray of carnations has been hit by a freeze-thaw cycle once again. I hope they will live to bloom this summer!
I dream and dream of the day I will see green again.
Many of these little guys didn't make it through the winter in the house, but my green thumb will only plant more and more and more!!!

It will soon to be filled in with grass seed in preparation for our move up the street. A nice big grassy yard will please the new tenants!
I spent many afternoons laying on a blanket watching this thing grow.
It's relaxing just to think about.
This is one reason I will really miss this house when we has a wonderful backyard for gardening. When we move up the hill in June I am going to try more container gardening and experimenting!! This summer my plants may be stunted from a late start but I will still have them. Every year is a learning experience I suppose.....
I love the flowers of squash plants.
I love the flowers of squash plants.
They are lovely and delicate but robust at the same time.

Spring is coming slowly but matter how many times mother nature throws a snowball at us!
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