I only got shot 4 or 5 times! I have 3 good bruises to show for my hard work in the "Armed Forces War" at Nitehawk Paintball near Reardon, WA on March 21st. Ryan and I were on the Navy team; there should be pictures of the teams on their Web site soon. Check it out: http://www.nitehawkpaintball.com/
This is where we moved the truck after almost getting stuck in the mud. Luckily about 15 very nice paintballers ran over to help push the truck out of the mud. We were not very happy with the Ford dealership in Moscow because the 4WD was supposed to have been fixed two weeks prior to this. It is fixed now but if it hadn't been for those great people who helped us at the field we would have hit a little tree and been stuck in the mud for sure!
This is what the back of the truck looked like at breaktime....kinda messy. But SO fun!
The field had many small trees, fallen logs, rocks, and open areas to play in and around. The picture below was taken in the "safety area" where you cannot shoot paintball guns, but it is a good example of the terrain at this playing field. There are a few towers to take over, trenches to crawl in, and a ravine where you can stalk other paintballers. It is quite the playing field!

Overall it was a really fun day, even if it rained most of the day; it made things interesting. I had a lot of fun running and jumping in trenches and even shot a few people before they shot me.
I'm not going to lie. I got shot many times.
The great thing about paintball is that you just walk back to your little "base" and then get back into the game. It makes for a nice little walking break after running around like a warrior. By the time I get back to the part of the field where the action is I'm ready to play again.
My new clothing worked well deflecting the paintballs from marking my skin up very much. I only got a few bruises compared to the many times paintballs broke on me or my clothes.

It is a pretty cool field! It'll be fun to go back when there is no snow on the ground.
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