
Fourth of July Snapshots

My favorite wild rose bush at my grandparent's home.
These line their property along the county road.
They smell OH so good.

Home sweet home.
My hubby and I claim this for sleeping quarters when things get tight inside the house. And even when it's not full in the house we pull this out of the garage, open up all the windows, make the bed and viola! It's nice having our own 'suite' outdoors. I get to wake up to the birds chirping and can take a little walk around outside before going in the house to say good morning!

Crossler and Eifert tents in the overflow from the house.
Keeping all of us outside helps keep grandma sane (she goes a little insane with happiness at having a yard full of grandkids and great grand kiddos).

My favorite barn circa 1910 or so...

The shiny roof always reminds me of how slick it gets in the winter...perfect for sliding off into a giant snowbank (feet first of course!).

Yellow roses by the house.
You can never pass by without sniffing.

Looking from the back fence at the barn and the Lovestead next door. It makes me so happy to know my grandparents have the best neighbors you could ask for. They put up with our 4th of July shenanigans year after year. Thank you to the Love family!

White roses next to the house.
Just like the can't help stopping to take deep breath.

The back pond.
From here the forest awaits. Until you find two bulls fighting over one which case you high tail it back to the safety of the four wheeler and jet on outta there!

We use these to keep the bulls away.

Just kidding. The whole herd actually comes running toward the guns and fireworks we celebrate with on Independence Day and we have to chase them back toward the pond now and then.

Lake Pend Oreille from the Long Bridge on the way home.

Till we meet again lovely Sandpoint...


Victoria Williams said...

What a great way to spend the fourth! said...

i love sandpoint :-) i contracted there for 9 months and do the long bridge swim in Augusts. Glad you had a good trip. lovely photos! said...

backpacking season is upon us!