
Until We Meet Again...

A smattering of photos from the last few months:

A crisp October day, perfect to walk around on Grandma's hill.

This deer wanted pears so badly it didn't care that I was standing across the yard with the camera.

Enjoying Stanley Hot Springs with Mr. Backpacker.

Bear grass flower at Heart lake in September.

Heart Lake over Labor Day weekend.

The Backpackers hiking above Mallard lake on the way home from Heart lake over Labor Day Weekend.

Hiking with friends in the Clearwater National Forest, over Boulder Creek.

Thanks to an awesome birthday present in November (Canon Rebel T3i SLR digital camera!) the photography I post from here on out should take an interesting turn while I experiment with it - that is, after I return from the world of books and internet discussions in graduate school.

Backpacker Rose will be seeing a lot more activity after I graduate in the spring of 2012...

Happy Trails Until We Meet Again!